
The Heart of a Ranger

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Chapter 3

Tim lay there on his back, not even comprehending what the man had just said. His brain was still trying to wrap around what had just happened. Unfortunately the archer wasn’t patient enough to wait for the teen to get a grip on reality. Stamping over to him, the cloaked figure reached down and grabbed the young man by his shoulder, pulling him to his feet. Unfortunately the man had grabbed Tim’s injured shoulder and a loud yelp escaped the kid’s mouth.
Immediately the Ranger-for now it was obvious that is what he was- clamped his hand over the farmer boy’s mouth.
“Be quiet, there might be more wolves around!” he hissed under his breath, then he slowly removed his hand and this time as he spoke Tim thought he could hear a hint of embarrassment in the man’s tone. “Sorry about grabbing your shoulder, I didn’t know the wolf had gotten to you.” As he spoke the Ranger gently grabbed the teen’s arm and examined it, but after a minute he started muttering to himself. Tim couldn’t make it all out but he heard a few words here and there. “Stupid trees”, “No light”, and “First aid kit” where the ones that really stood out.
After a second the Ranger sighed then motioned for Tim to follow, “Follow me, that arm needs to be fixed up and I’d rather you be with me than out all alone, I don’t want to have wasted that arrow for nothing after all.”
In the past Tim might have done the opposite of what the man said. After all, Ranger’s were quite the mysterious folk and it was said they weren’t to be trusted too closely, at least in his village. But now the teen quickly followed. This was who he had been searching for, and it was quite lucky he has run into him…or really, been saved by him. And as he had seen from Maddie, or really more Will, Rangers seemed to act all rough and tough, but Tim guessed they really weren’t as hardened as they appeared to be. This Ranger had even sounded quite worried for him when he realized his arm was hurt.
Any other doubts or worries Tim had where quickly replace by curiosity as he followed the Ranger into a small cove. Not even glancing at the teen, the Ranger quickly circled the perimeter of the clearing, picking up a few sticks and leaves as he did so. Then, once his survey was complete, he started arranging the wood in a teepee shape before getting to his feet and letting out a low whistle. Not a minute later a small chestnut horse came trotting into the clearing and the Ranger quickly went for the saddle and dug around in until he found what he needed. Crouching down, he put a few leaves in the space under the wood then he drew his saxe knife and ran it across the flint that he had retrieved from the saddle pack. A spark flew from the metal and landed in the dry kindling. Within seconds the fire grew and soon it was burning brightly, spreading light and flickering shadows all around the clearing.
Once again the Ranger turned to his horse and grabbed something out of one of the packs, then he called out to Tim, breaking through the quiet of the night.
“Come over here and sit by the fire. That wound needs to be cleaned out, unless you want it to get infected.”
At his words Tim jumped. He had been so focused on the fire, and in all honesty trying to ignore the pain, that the Ranger’s voice took him by surprise. He quickly got over it however and made his way to the fire, settling himself down next to it. His eyes were still focused on the way the light source flicked from side to side but then then a motion caught the corner of his eye and the brown haired boy turned to see the Ranger sitting down next to him. The older man placed a small pot on the fire then poured some water from a canteen in it. At the sound of the water, Tim remembered his thirst and quickly spoke up.
“Uh…could I have a sip of that?” he asked, staring at the canteen, while licking his lips thirstily.
“Of course not, it not even close to being fini….” the man started then stopped himself immediately, seeming to understand that the boy was asking for the water. “Oh…yeah, of course,” he said, handing the injured boy the canteen before scrounging around in his pack some more.
Snatching the water from the Ranger, Tim took a good long swig of the cool liquid, sighing appreciatively as his dry throat was soothed. Then he turned his attention back to the Ranger and looked with interest as he pulled out a small container, but that curiosity died away as he saw the cloaked man pull out a needle.
“Are you going to have to…uh…” Tim started saying, then gestured to his arm in the needle, the fear evident in his voice.
But if the older man heard him, he didn’t show it, instead he placed the needle back in the container and pulled out a cloth, then glanced up at the teen. The shadow of a frown came over the man’s face before he spoke.
“Could you take off your shirt? I need to have a good look at the wound.”
Tim nodded quickly and carefully took off his shirt, wincing at the pain that pulsed through his shoulder. Once the bloodied shirt was off, the Ranger carefully turned the blue eyed boy so that the firelight was shining on the wounded arm. At the sight of it, Tim quickly looked away, he didn’t like the sight of blood and the fact that it was his own blood only made it worse. He felt a stinging pain wash over his shoulder as the Ranger cleaned away some of the dried blood and it took all his self control not to whimper. Eyes closed, Tim waited silently as the man surveyed the wound, then flinched as he felt something being placed on his shoulder. It sent a warm sensation through the injured limb and made him feel a little more at ease. That is until he heard the rattle of metal. Immediately he knew that the cloaked man was about to use a needle to sew up his shoulder. Knowing it was coming only made the teen even more nervous and as the needle stuck into his skin he let out a loud yelp of pain.
“For goodness sakes be quite!” The Ranger snapped, voice tense and slightly worried. This made the brown haired boy wonder if the man was just as uncomfortable around blood and injuries as he was. “Here, bite this if you need to.”
Peeking one eye open, Tim saw the man’s hand holding a piece of cloth. Quickly he grabbed it and nodded, letting the Ranger know he could continue. As the needle poked him again, the boy quickly bit down on the cloth to keep from letting out another yelp of pain.
This continued for a few more minutes, then the young teen felt something pushing against his shoulder. Opening his eyes every so slowly he looked at the wound and saw that the Ranger was holding some gauze in place while he rummaged around in his pack once more. Pulling out a roll of white cloth, he carefully wound it around Tim’s shoulder, running it over his chest and around his body, making sure there was a firm pressure on it. Once he finished that, the Ranger got up and grabbed something else from his sack. Walking back over to Tim he handed it to him and the teen realized it was a shirt.
Carefully, he pulled it over his torso, then looked up and saw the Ranger throwing a very small sack into the pot over the fire. He swished it around for a bit then sat back and let out a sigh.
Feeling compelled to say something, Tim spoke up ever so quietly. “Thank you…for saving my life and fixing my shoulder up.”
“That’s what Ranger’s do,” the man said simply, then added, “But you still owe me an explanation as to why you were out on your own this late at night.”
At that the young man shuffled uncomfortably. He really didn’t want to tell the Ranger that he had run away from home in hopes of training to become a Ranger himself…he didn’t really know what the man would think of that and in all honesty it sounded quite childish the more he thought about it. So instead he simply said, “I was looking for water.”
“Oh, I see, so you just woke up in the middle of the night, realized you were thirsty and decided to walk all the way into the woods to find some water?” It was obvious from the man’s tone that he wasn’t believing a word of it.
This only made Tim more uncomfortable, and he sat there in silence for a few moments before sighing and saying, “I was looking for you.”
“Oh really?” the man said, pulling his cowl off of his face and raising both his eyebrows at the boy, before speaking in a questioning tone, “And why exactly were you looking for me?”
As the Ranger pulled his hood off, Tim was distracted from the man’s question and instead found himself quite surprised to see that the Ranger was quite younger than he had first thought and if the teen had to guess he would say that he was in his late twenties, maybe early thirties. The next thing he noticed was the Ranger’s hair. In the past, he had always thought Rangers like to grown their hair out, letting it become shaggy and rugged looking, but that was not the case with this man. His red-brown hair was cut somewhat short, making it’s natural curls stick out in all different directions. He also lacked one other common Ranger trait, a beard. The man looked a little different than most Araluans; he had an almost foreign look with a slightly sharp face, comprised of high cheek bones, an almost beak-like nose, and eyes that looked a little more narrow than most. If he tried, Tim was sure he could look quite intimidating, but at the moment he looked quite calm, though there was a light of suspicion in his light green eyes as well.
“Well?” the Ranger prompted, and Tim felt embarrassed once again as he realized he hadn’t answered the question yet.
Fiddling with his fingers, the teen looked at the ground and tried to figure out what to say, was there any way that he could justify why he had been out here without actually telling the truth? Or would he really have to admit that he had left because his parents were rotten, his life had no meaning, and he had simply followed his desires to become a Ranger?
A sigh from the exotic man brought Tim’s bright blue gaze back to eye level. He saw the man pull out two cups from a sack and watched as he grabbed the pot from the fire and filled both of them with the hot liquid. Picking one up, he handed it to the teenager, who took it carefully, not quite sure what it was.
The Ranger picked up the other cup and took a sip, closing his eyes as he did so. It looked as if he was taking his own time sorting out his thoughts. When he opened those leaf green eyes again he motioned to Tim’s mug. “Drink some, it’s an herbal tea that helps you relax.”
Hesitantly, the teen took a small sip of the hot liquid and was surprised by the slightly bitter taste. He swallowed his sip and felt a rush of warmth flow through his body. As he took another sip, the Ranger spoke again.
“I don’t know who you are or why you are here and it’s obvious you don’t particularly want to tell me either if those things…but I need to know so I can get you back to your parents.”
Tim listened quietly as the man spoke, before sighing and saying in a small voice, “My parents aren’t looking for me…” he paused, not entirely sure that was true, but he didn’t want to expand on that so he switched the topic instead. “The reason I wanted to find you…well, the Ranger of this fief actually…which I’m assuming you are…”
The man nodded silently and motioned for him to go on.
“Uh…well I wanted to kind if be able to uh…you see I thought maybe I could…”
“For goodness sakes, stop stammering and just spit it out already!” the Ranger in annoyance, making Tim flinch ever so slightly.
“I want to become a Ranger.” The teen said quickly before he lost his nerve.
At this the older man raised his eyebrows again, only to narrow them a bit. “And what makes you think you are qualified to be a Ranger?”
“Umm…well I don’t know if I’m qualified or not, but I want to be able to protect and help people just like Ranger Will and Ranger Maddie helped me and..”
Immediately the red haired man raised his hands for Tim to stop. “Will and Maddie? They helped you? How?”
“Umm well, they helped me and a few other children escape a band of rouges who were going to sell us as slaves…and after they did that it started making me wish I could help others like they did…”
“Hmm, I see..,” the Ranger said, taking a sip of his tea and seeming to contemplate Tim’s words before continuing. “Well it’s not completely up to me to decide if you can train to be a Ranger or not. I’d have to send a note to the Commandant first, to get his permission.”
“Why do you have to get permission, I thought Ranger’s did whatever they wanted,” Tim couldn’t help but ask. It seemed odd to him that a full time Ranger needed permission to take on an apprentice.
“Ha, we like to think that we can do whatever we want, but there is some protocol that needs to be followed. For example, I’m a younger Ranger, not entirely new, but usually the Corps only let’s the older, more experienced members take on apprentices. Plus,” he said, narrowing his eyes slightly, “I don’t know much about you, or even if you are telling the truth. Us Ranger’s need to be careful in who we train, we never want our skills and secrets leaking out to the wrong people…”
Tim could hear the suspicion in the older man’s voice and he quickly spoke up, wanting to reassure him that he wasn’t a spy, “I’m telling the truth! Honest, just ask Maddie, she’ll remember me!”
Once again the Ranger held up his hand, “That’s what I plan on doing in sending a message to Gilan, but before I do that I need to know your name.”
“Tim, my name is Tim sir.”
The Ranger nodded, “Tim, alright then…and don’t call me sir, my name is Seth.”
“Oh, yes Sir..eth…” the teen said, trying to fix his mistake but only making it more prominent in the process.
Seth raised his eye brows again, “Right…now you better get some sleep. I want to get you back to your parents as quickly as I can before…”
“NO!” Tim practically shouted, then quickly regretted it as the Ranger shot him a sharp glance. Lowering his voice he continued, “Please, I can’t go back to my parents…I just can’t!”
A frown grew on Seth’s face but after a moment he sighed, “Fine, you can come with me, but if you aren’t approved by the Commandant then you are going straight back to your family, clear?”
Blue eyes slipping to the ground the boy nodded slowly.
“Good, now like I was saying, you should get some sleep, I’m leaving at dawn and if you aren’t with me then I’ll be leaving without you!” From the right person those words might have sounded threatening, but as Seth said them Tim could see that the a Ranger was only trying to appear strict. In all honestly he doubted the man would leave without him, but he didn’t want to take that chance so he quickly nodded.
“Good,” Seth said simply then pointed the the cup of tea in the boy’s hands, “You should finish that first though, it’ll help you fall asleep faster.”
Tim eyed the tea suspiciously. Sure, the warmth of it had felt good, but it had quite the odd taste that he didn’t particularly like. Looking up at the Ranger, he saw those green eyes watching him carefully as the man took a sip of his own tea. Trying to ignore the strong taste, the boy took a few more sips of the tea before handing the halfway empty mug to Seth. He could see the Ranger’s frown as he felt liquid still in the cup, but the cloaked man didn’t say anything. Instead he just dumped the leftover tea in the fire before putting the mug down and gulping down the rest of his drink. Then he got up, grabbed something from his saddle pack and handed it to Tim.
“Now get some sleep.”
Taking the bundle, the teen unrolled it and saw that it was a blanket. This reminded his that he had forgotten to grab his sack with his own blanket in it, but he was too tired to bring it up. So instead he just curled up on the ground and closed his eyes, letting himself relax, and within a minute he was asleep.
Enter Seth! Who, by the way is one of my favorite characters in this story....I've already thought about his whole background and bloodline and everything! I'm planning on explaining all of it later in the story, but if I can't fit it in I will write a separate little piece that will go into more detail about him. 

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Story c) me
Ranger's Apprentice characters and world c) John Flanagan
© 2014 - 2024 Aceofstars16
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